Level #5. Unconscious Competence
Now were cooking - just like driving a car, every day you get in your seat and trade - you do everything now on an unconscious level.
you are running on autopilot. You start to pick the really big trades and getting 100 pips in a day is becoming quite normal to you.
This is trading utopia - you have mastered your emotions and you are now a trader with a rapidly growing account.
you're a star in the trading chat room and people listen to what you say. you recognise yourself in their questions from about two years ago.
you pass on your advice but you know most of it is futile cos they're teenagers - some of them will get to where you are - some will do it fast and others will be slower - literally dozens and dozens will never get past stage two but a few will.
Trading is no longer exciting - in fact it's probably boring you to bits - like everything in life when you get good at it or do it for your job - it gets boring - you're doing your job and that's that.
You can now say with your head held high "I'm a currency trader"
I hope you've enjoyed this text and can recognise yourself in some stage or another - personally I'm at stage four now and am constantly making good amounts of pips - I've been trading in total for about 3 years and the first two were hell on earth.
for those of you reading this who stick with it, ill look forward to the banter we have together in the future when we are both bored to death during the trading day
Labels: Learning